Special Edition! We won't lie, this one got a bit out of control. Maybe we were starstruck, maybe hungover from Purim, or maybe our conversations are that good. Either way, you get over two hours of content, from Corey Haim to Corey Feldman. Since a lot is going on, here are some approximate time stamps to guide you home in episode notes!
Intro - Yael manages to offend our guest by mis-introducing him.
7:35 Al literature that isn't American sucks
13:00 Nick's PhD thesis, oral defense - The Great Gatsby
20:45 Immigrants - we something something done.
25:40 Famous Jewish sports legends
27:00 Thank you Dr.Gillespie. Now tell us about the time you interviewed Jason Priestly for "Teen Machine" magazine
29:00 Nick and Yael get into a heated debate over the true meaning of BDE.
30:35 Back to Teen Machine. Nick compares interviewing Corey Haim and Corey Feldman to 9/11, or something.
35:00 Mel Gibson, the world's sexiest Anti-semite
38:35 Celebrities on social media are a libertarians dream come true, and we are the next Bill Cosby
42:40 Cancel culture, and why it's the best time to be alive.
48:40 It's the golden era of individualism
51:30 Yael says something really profound about social media
54:00 Revolt of the public
56:15 Finally, the Holocaust!
58:30 Postmodernism
1:00 The culture wars
1:07:40 The Declaration of Independents
1:10 National service, military and war
1:16:50 The Holocaust again (ok fine, WWII)
1:32 The girls give Nick an off-ramp, he doesn’t take it.
1:41 Come to Nick’s event April 4th about heroin
1:46 Kids today
Chaya Leah seems to think we have the ability to add a song at the end of the podcast. We can't, so here's a link to System of A Down's BYOB.